Helen Hayes


Helen Hayes is pursuing a PhD in Communication Studies at McGill University where she investigates the intersections between tech policy, artificial intelligence, and oil extraction. Prior to her doctoral degree, Helen completed an Honours Bachelor of Arts at the University of Toronto (Victoria College, 2018) and a Master’s degree in Communication Studies at McGill University (2020). Her work has been generously supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2019-2020) and the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (2021 - 2024). 


Solomun, S., Polataiko, M., and Hayes, H.A. (2021). Platform responsibility and regulation in Canada: Considerations on transparency, legislative clarity, and design. Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, 34, 1-18.

Hayes, H.A, Rogers, H., Chan, K., and Wan, E. (2021). The dirty truth about ‘clean’ transport: A critical evaluation of ecological imperialism and the electric vehicle industry. Journal of Environmental Media. [Forthcoming].


Centre for Media, Technology, and Democracy reading group - a reading group that seeks to explore the current crisis of digital democracy and its assumptions through academic and journalistic accounts of how recent intersections of media and technology are reshaping democracy.